Happy International Women’s Day!

Daphne (4 of 12) Daphne (2 of 12) Daphne (10 of 12) Daphne (11 of 12)

My post for the day is about confidence and feeling happy with how we look with or without makeup. For me, this is a really important topic. I see so many young girls suffering because of media advertising and wanting to reach a goal that it is not even real. We have to learn to love ourselves and know that we are enough – actually, more than enough.
In the last couple of years I have come to realize what’s important in life for me. I know I’m not perfect, but to be honest, I don’t want to be, and I have realized that what I like the most about me are my imperfections because they make me who I am. I am in a good place in my life – starting new beginnings and focusing on my life and on my future. My little family is everything I could ask for and they make my heart smile every single day. Today I’m starting a new chapter with myself. I want to learn to live life even happier than I do and to live stress free. Letting people be and letting them go, stop over thinking and just doing things. Forgiving, and more importantly, forgetting. Loving like I know how and stopping to smell the roses.
This photo shoot was completely inspired by a website called rawbeautytalks.com, @rawbeautytalks on Instagram. I love the job they are doing and the amazing message for all the woman out there. Thank you for doing this for all of us.

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  1. Such a beautifully written post, lady!! So proud and lucky to call you my friend. Xo